Každý rok k nám zavíta niektorými milovaný, niektorými nenávidený, sviatok lásky. Láska sa dá prejavovať skutkami, no aj slovami. Ako však nájsť tie správne slová a nespadnúť do klišé zóny?
K tomu nám môže pomôcť jazyk lásky (francúzština), no v tomto článku sa pozrieme na angličtinu a najčastejšie zamilované frázy v nej.
Dôležité pre vás bude vybrať si ten správny výraz, no samozrejme je podstatné to neprehnať. Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky fráz, ktoré môžu použiť ako začiatočníci, tak aj pokročilí:
- “I love you.”
- “I adore you.”
- “I’m totally into you.”
- “I love you from the bottom of my heart.”
- “You mean so much to me.”
- “I’m yours.”
- “You complete me.”
- “I’m in love with you.”
- “There is no other.”
- “You’re my ideal woman.”
- “You’re my Prince Charming.”
- “You’re my angel.”
- “You’re my princess.”
- “You’re incredible.”
- “You’re my baby.”
- “You’re my king.”
- “You’re mine.”
- “You’re amazing.”
- “We’re perfect for each other.”
- “We’re a good match.”
- “You can’t deny what’s between us.”
- “We’re meant for each other.”
- “We complete each other.”
- “I’m infatuated with you.”
- “You’re my lover.”
- “You’re captivating.”
- “I’m addicted to you.”
- “You’re perfect.”
- “I’ve totally fallen for you.”
- “I’ve got a thing for you.”
- “I have feelings for you.”
- “I feel something for you.”
- “I’m drawn to you.”
- “I think of you as more than a friend.”
- “I’ve got a crush on you.”
- “I’ve had a crush on you for a long time.”
- “I think I’m in love with you.”
- “I think you’re the one.”
- “Love ya!”
- “We make a good team.”
- “You’re so awesome.”
- “I’d like for us to get together.”
- “You’ve got what I need.”
- “I want you.”
- “Let’s get it on.”
- “I must have you.”
- “You make me burn with desire.”
- “I’m burning for you.”
- “I need you.”
- “I worship you.”
- “I’m crazy about you.”
- “We’re soul mates.”
- “You make me want to be a better man/woman.”
- “We were meant to be together.”
- “I can’t live without you.”
- “You’re my god/goddess.”
- “I can’t bear to be apart from you.”
- “I idolize you.”
- “You’re my everything.”
- “I’m smitten with you.”
- “I yearn for you.”
- “You turn me inside out.”
- “You’ve put a spell on me.”
- “I’m under your spell.”
- “My heart calls out for you.”
- “You make me feel young again.”
- “You’re my sweetie.”
- “You’re my sunshine.”
- “You’re my other half.”
- “You’re my darling.”
- “I’m devoted to you.”
- “I want to take this slow.”
- “This is more than a crush.”
- “I can’t get over you.”
- “I’m ready to take it to the next level.”
- “I think I wanna have your baby!”
- “I’m hooked on you.”
- “I’m all about you.”
- “I’m down with you.”
- “You’re my man.”
- “You’re my girl.”
- “I’m rather partial to you.”
- “You’re not bad.”
- “I kinda like you.”
- “I’m fond of you.”
- “I have a soft spot for you.”
- “I’m physically attracted to you.”
- “You are the object of my affection.”
- “We have a good chemistry.”
- “I feel affectionate toward you.”
- “I care for you deeply.”
- “You’re my best girl/boy.”
- “I’m sweet on you.”
- “Do you want to go steady?”
- “Will you go with me?”
- “Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you.”
- “I’m enamored with you.”
- “I’m mad about you.”
- “I hereby declare my love and affection toward you.”
Frázu číslo 100 ponechávam na vás, vymyslíte niečo originálne, čo poviete svojej milovanej osobe z očí do očí a budete vedieť o tom len vy dvaja 🙂
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