sobota, 21 decembra, 2024


Look – sloveso

Slovu “look” sme sa už venovali ako podstatnému menu a dnes sa mu budeme venovať ako slovesu.

1) Look (at) = pozerať

  • He is looking at the pictures.
  • Can I help you? – No, thanks, I’m just looking.
  • She looked at me and smiled.

2) Sloveso look sa používa v množstve frázových a predložkových slovies. Medzi najpoužívanejšie patria:

look for = to try to find somebody/something

  • Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you.
  • We’re looking for someone with experience in teaching.

look for = to hope for something; to expect something

  • We will be looking for an improvement in your work.

look somebody up and down = to look at somebody in a careful or critical way

look after = to be responsible for or to take care of somebody/something/yourself

  • Who is going to look after the kids while you’re away?
  • I’m looking after his affairs while he’s in London.

look forward to = to be thinking with pleasure about something that is going to happen (because you expect to enjoy it)

  • I’m looking forward to the party.
  • We’re really looking forward to seeing you again.

look out = used to warn somebody to be careful, especially when there is danger; synonym is watch out

  • Look out! There’s a car coming.

look in = to make a short visit to a place, especially somebody’s house

  • She looks in on her uncle’s every evening.
  • Why don’t you look in on me next time you’re in town?

3) Look ako linking verb

V tomto prípade znamená vyzerať, zdať sa, byť.

  • His house looks very expensive.

Často sa používa s likeas if, as though.

  • He looks as if he is going to fall.
  • That looks like an interesting book.

4) Look používame aj keď niečo vysvetľujeme alebo upozorňujeme, najmä keď sme naštvaní alebo hovoríme veľmi energicky:

  • Look, Mark, you have been late for school every day this week. Is there a reason?